Protect Pebble Beach

The story of a scenic shoreline and the community call to protect it.

A Geologic Gem in Jeopardy

Pebble Beach underwater

Conservation for the Community

Landowners who have cared for this property for many decades wished to see the property conserved and offered to lower the sale price—if the property would remain natural. The Land Trust office buzzed with hushed fervor, energized by the dream of protecting this geologic gem. But, funding the purchase of the project remained a major obstacle. Land Trust staff reached out to conservation partners and grant funders to see what funding might be available.

In a lucky break, a conservation partner helped the project move forward. The Land Trust’s contact at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources passed on a tip about a grant through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that would provide $1M—if the property were owned and managed by a local unit of government. The Land Trust pitched the idea to the Village of Sister Bay who began considering the project, and the dream of protecting the property inched closer to reality.

To respond to the community, Door County Land Trust and the Village of Sister Bay created a plan for a partnership to create public access to the shoreline and to protect Pebble Beach from development. With a NOAA grant of $1M tentatively secured and a reduced sale price, the Village of Sister Bay and the Door County Land Trust entered into an agreement to protect the property as a publicly accessible natural area.

In December 2018, Pebble Beach was thrown into the spotlight when local government considered a proposal to divide the undeveloped shoreline into four lots for private development. Public sentiment for protecting the beach from development was voiced loudly in letters to the editor, across social media, and throughout the community. Door County Land Trust was on the receiving end of many of these comments, with members and the public alike expressing their concern for the future of the treasured shoreline. The resonating message was clear; protect Pebble Beach for all to enjoy. But, the prime real estate carried a $3.6M price-tag, which seemed an insurmountable hurdle to protecting the land.


Will you help protect this geologic gem?

A Plan to Protect Pebble Beach

Pebble2panozlTo help the project succeed, Door County Land Trust, with support from the Village, will raise approximately $500,000 to support the purchase and long-term conservation of the property.

If successful, the land will be owned and managed by the Village of Sister Bay. The Village of Sister Bay intends to apply for a reimbursement grant through Wisconsin’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program to fund up to $1M of the purchase price.

Once completed, Pebble Beach’s beautiful views, extraordinary shoreline and cedar forest will be preserved for all to enjoy.

Door County Land Trust will hold a conservation easement agreement which will ensure the property remains natural. The Land Trust will work with the Village to preserve native plants and wildlife habitat. The Village will manage the recreational use of the property and any amenities, so as to preserve the natural state of the land.

Once completed, Pebble Beach’s beautiful views, extraordinary shoreline and cedar forest will be preserved for all to enjoy.

Door County Land Trust will partner with the Village of Sister Bay to protect 17 acres of natural land and 600 feet of shoreline for the community...forever.

Pebble beach

“Pebble Beach is really a hidden gem. Locals have known, loved and respected it forever. This project means those traditions can continue for generations.”
— Brian Frisque

$602,501 of $1.5 million raised
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Donation Total: $250.00

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"Pebble Beach and Little Sister Bay is a treasured, sacred spot to our family. Many happy memories of boating, fishing, swimming and vacationing there."

Nancy Stott

"I grew up visiting Pebble Beach and have such fond memories of that special place. Would absolutely love to see it preserved for posterity."

Amy Peterson

"Thank you for protecting this beach. It is my favorite spot on Earth."

Adam Biwer

"Pebble Beach is the anchor for my soul."

Zach Lozoff

"This is a wonderful opportunity to keep this beautiful beach in the public domain."

Ginger Dykstra

"Thank you for keeping this special place public for people to enjoy for generations to come."

Coburn Dukehart

"Keep Door County beautiful and in its purest form!"

Ashley McCormick

"Thank you for all of your hard work to preserve this timeless treasure of Door County!"

Phoebe Guenzel

"My dog and I walk to Pebble Beach every morning we are here. The most peaceful, wonderful way to start each day. I would be heartbroken to lose it after over 40 years of visits there. Please save this beautiful corner of Door County!!"

Julie Bromley

"Thank you for all your hard work making this happen!! Three cheers for each of you!! We need good news like this!"

Anne Hart

Want to know more about the project or other ways to contribute?

Give us a call at (920) 746-1359.